Various outings have been planned throughout the year. The dates of these may be fixed in advance or take place on a more ad hoc basis, i.e. outings can be decided upon at short notice with an individual member choosing a venue and time and simply inviting any others who may be interested to join in.
The main aim of these outings is to enable us to spend time with like-minded individuals, learn from each other and visit as many tea shops as possible!
Members are encouraged to consider outings to previously unvisited places (or re-visit those that have proved photographically fruitful!) and be prepared to take on the responsibility of organising the event, e.g. car sharing, meet times and communication of these.
It should be noted that cancellations may be inevitable due to bad weather, unsuitable photographic conditions or even individual unforeseen circumstances.
Copies of flyers can be found on a page called Out & About Flyers in the members area