Member’s Photographic Projects

Part of the fun of belonging to a camera club is the opportunity to share work and enjoy seeing other member’s images outside the constraints  of competition and critique.

We have two evenings in the year (29th Sep. and 27th Oct.) when members are encouraged to share their projects, portfolios, books, or set of work in progress.

The images may explore any subject, however diverse, but with some coherence of concept, subject or processing which binds the set together – the scope is endless and an opportunity to experiment and be creative. There are no rules – anything goes!  You don’t need a fancy camera, the challenge is to make best use of what you have, even using a mobile phone. 

  • The images may be presented as either hard copy/prints or in digital form.
  • Whilst a formal ‘Statement of Intent’ isn’t necessary, we would like to hear the thought process and creative intent behind the set of work.

Need some inspiration?  There are some examples of members work on the website under ‘portfolios’  or try a search using ‘photographic projects’.

[This activity replaces the previous subject of set portfolio subjects]