Welcome to 2015! The programme for this year is available. It promises to an exciting year.
We start with the AGM; a chance to find out what is planned in more detail for the year. Also to kick of the year with a fun head-head knockout competition. Please bring images on the night or if you can please email to matthew@mh-white.com
After the success of 2014, we are continuing the competition this year. Same basic format as last year though the scoring system now is just 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Highly Commended. No separate scores. Themes for this year are Street Photography, Low Light, Close-up and Open subject
We start with a couple of Elements and Lightroom workshops. Part of these will be for processing raw images, if you would like some sample raw files to start with details are here.
There is a mount cutting workshop planned, date to be announced.
Cowdray Polo, Snowdrops Welford Park Newbury, and ‘Know your camera in the field’ are all planned.
Outside Speakers
Some great talks are linked up starting with Tony Worobiec ‘The Art of Composition’. The subjects try to line up with the competition themes so help with inspiration.